Private Advertising Technology Community Group

Hi. We’re the Private Advertising Technology Community Group of the W3C.

The Private Advertising Technology CG is chartered to incubate web features and APIs that support advertising while acting in the interests of users, in particular providing strong privacy assurances. If that sounds interesting to you, please join us!


It's easy to join the CG if you'd like to contribute to our work. Please note that, in order to join, you'll need to request a W3C account if you don't already have one.

We publish a list of current participants on our W3C page.

Our Work

We conduct all of our technical work in public, mainly in various GitHub repositories but also in periodic teleconferences and face-to-face meetings.


If you have any questions or concerns, the chairs are more than happy to help. The easiest way to get in touch with them is to file an issue (preferred) or to simply email them (if your concern can’t be raised publicly).

Related Groups

W3C's Privacy Interest Group (PING) does "horizontal review" of W3C specifications—offering on-request guidance on privacy issues and mitigations. PING also publishes general guidance documents including a guide to Mitigating Browser Fingerprinting and, in cooperation with the W3C TAG, the Self-Review Questionnaire: Security and Privacy.

W3C's Privacy Community Group is chartered to incubate privacy-focused web features and APIs to improve user privacy on the web through enhanced browser behavior.

Improving Web Advertising Business Group (WebAdv) is a W3C business group that focuses on advertising technology.

Code of Conduct

Please note that all work and communication within the Private Advertising Technology Community Group is covered by the W3C Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.